Git and Github Fundamentals

This live workshop covers git fundamentals especially for beginners to O.S.S. contributions. See more about GitHub-flavored markdown here.

Command Line Fundamentals and Terminal Customization with ohmyzsh

I always get questions about my command-line setup from folks wondering how I got my shell setup with extra info and custom features. Typically I don\’t get time to answer this question in detail with classes I teach for other organizations, so I wanted to create a full walkthrough showing how I got my setup and how you can do …

Launch Your Personal Github Pages Website

This live workshop will cover setting up Github and creating the repository for your personal domain. Hover over the video for controls including full screen and video quality settings. Feel free to leave comments below if you have questions during the event or after! If you want to see more about optimizing your Github profile check out the blog here: …

️ Leveraging Git & GitHub as Your Technical Portfolio

Crawl, walk, run Podcast Episode In this episode I\’m going to break down the key features of GitHub you should be using as a Software Developer to highlight your technical skills including how to set up a free website for yourself.

Tips to Land Your 1st Job After Your Coding Bootcamp

I get a lot of questions about the job search and whether someone might be going about it wrong when they don\’t seem to be getting traction so today I wanted to talk about some practical tips and give some pointers that have worked for me and previous students that have moved into the field successfully.