If you are new to open source or just want to know the in\’s and out\’s of how Hacktoberfest works, we\’ll cover signing up, finding projects and contributing as we kick off our Hacktoberfest series running all October!
Should New Developers Learn Multiple Languages?
Not only have I gotten this question, but I wondered and attempted to learn multiple languages early in my career. In this episode I want to share some insight and advice as well as the pros / cons to managing multiple programming languages when you are first starting out in Software Development.
️ Leveraging Git & GitHub as Your Technical Portfolio
Crawl, walk, run Podcast Episode In this episode I\’m going to break down the key features of GitHub you should be using as a Software Developer to highlight your technical skills including how to set up a free website for yourself.
Tips to Land Your 1st Job After Your Coding Bootcamp
I get a lot of questions about the job search and whether someone might be going about it wrong when they don\’t seem to be getting traction so today I wanted to talk about some practical tips and give some pointers that have worked for me and previous students that have moved into the field successfully.
️ The Importance of Continuous Learning
I\’m excited to guide you through this episode as we explore the importance of staying up to date with new technologies and the strategies to embrace a lifelong learning mindset.
️ How to Set Software Developer Goals
In Episode 3 of the Crawl, Walk, Run Podcast, let\’s focus on laying a foundation for yourself as a developer including your portfolio and learning goals. P.S. if you want a way to put this into practice, ask me about joining our #100DaysOfCode challenge starting next week!
️ Using Open Source Software to Jumpstart Your Software Developer Career
Hacking With The Homies Episode 1
️ What I wish I knew as a Junior Software Developer
In Episode 1 of the Crawl, Walk, Run Podcast, I want to talk about the best tips and things I would do again or wish I did differently to grow as an entry-level developer.